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Brain Waves is a web comic I started in my spare time (when I had some) to improve my drawing skills and to post some of my work on the internet.

When and where?

I originally releases it on June 17, 2016 on the web hosting platform Smackjeeves.


Why did you make your own site?

By the time Brain Waves had reached a total of 13 posts, it  had come to my attention that Smackjeeves hosts a lot of comics I refuse to be associated with. Posting there was discontinued on October 10, 2016 with the comic "SANS!" Since I had nowhere to go I came here and made my own site to continue posting.

What takes part in this?

Brain Waves is drawn entirely by me, but I'm open to guest artists. I use the program Gimp to draw my comics, along with a Wacom Tablet, but it isn't until recently that I started getting good at it.

Has this blight spread anywhere else?

Actually, yes! Upon some investigation, I decided to post in tandem with Tapastic.

How do I get to yell at you?

If you want to contact me, email me at (my comic email), or message me on Twitter. There is also a contact form below.

Q & A

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